Profile Setting

This is a guide on the “Profile Settings” section of your dashboard.

  1. Click the profile icon at the top right bar of Upmesh dashboard and select "My Account"
  1. Fill in your account information, click "Save" button once done.

Here is a guide on each field and what to fill.

  1. Logo
    Upload your business logo that is visible to buyers
  2. Name
    Enter your Point of Contact’s personal name for our reference
    (Not visible to buyers)
  3. Business Name
    Enter your brand/company name that is to be shown to buyers
    (Displayed on invoices)
  4. Mobile Number
    Please enter the mobile number of your Point of Contact
    (Not visible to buyers)
  5. Email
    Please enter the email of your Point of Contact
    (Not visible to buyers)
  6. Link to Contact
    This is a field for you to insert a link to where you prefer buyers to contact you. We recommend using followed by your page slug on Facebook, as this links them to your facebook messenger to chat with you e.g. If your page is at , you should key in
  7. Shop’s Info
    It will display at the invoice header
  8. Ref Order Prefix
    To set the Ref Order Prefix
  9. Description
    Please enter a brief description of your business for internal reference
    (Not visible to buyers)
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