Now your buyers will receive a reply as a comment when they successfully bid for an item!
Auto-reply Comments has 3 sections: Congrats first bidder, sold out, and product added to cart.
Here are the steps on how to set up:
Click on “Message Center” > click "Comment under post"
Successfully added to cart > private comment reply
When a buyer successfully adds a product to cart, they will automatically receive this as a reply in their comment section.
Note: Please customise all 5 message formats to avoid being claimed as spam by Facebook. Required parameters are: [SELLING CODE] & [BUYER NAME]
Click on “Message Center” > click "Comment under post"
Congrats first bidder > public announcement
When the first buyer successfully adds an item to the cart, the system automatically posts an announcement visible to everyone in your post.
Note: Please customise all 5 message formats to avoid being claimed as spam by Facebook. Required parameters are: [PRODUCT NAME] & [BUYER NAME]
Click on “Message Center” > click "Comment under post"
Sold out > public announcement
When a buyer comments on your post to purchase an out-of-stock item, the buyer will see this announcement as your comment on your post.
Note: For this section, only public comments are available. Required parameters are [PRODUCT NAME].