Merge to Pack

Here are the highlights of the feature:

  1. Ability to merge all paid orders with the same shipping information and/or delivery group
  2. Ability to auto-move orders to “Packing” after being merged for better order status tracking and management
  3. Easily review and ship orders with the same delivery information at the same time

Here is the step by step guide:

Step 1. Click "Merge to Pack"

Go to the Paid orders section in Seller Dashboard (Paid or Packing tab) > Click “Merge to Pack” button

Step 2. View Mergeable Orders

System will open the popup showing all eligible orders that can be merged

Notes on merging rules

Definition of “eligible orders

  • Orders have “Paid” and “Packing" status and same single shipment (multiple shipment orders cannot be merged)

Orders are merged into one group when

  • Orders have the same delivery group; AND/OR
  • Orders have the same phone and address

When viewing the list of orders to be merged, you can remove orders from merging groups if needed. After finishing reviewing, click the below button to proceed.

Step 3. Preview Merged Orders and Adding Internal Note

You can preview all merged orders with details before merging them. You will also be notified if buyers paid multiple delivery fees for any merged orders. Then click “Merge” to complete the process.

Step 4: Review Merged orders

Merged orders will be automatically moved to “Packing” status. 

Merged orders will have Ref# with M letter as suffix. For example: 060324_00003_M

You can expand any merged orders to view details of:

1. Buyer information

2. Original order details

Step 5. Un-merge orders

To un-merge orders, simply click the “Unmerge” button on any merged orders you want specifically > then click “Unmerge” again in the confirmation window

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