Live Selling

This guide will cover how sellers can set up a comment-capturing for Live Stream or Offline Posts.

I. Set up comment capturing for a live session

Go to “Live Selling” click on “Setup Comment Capturing

In this step, the seller will be prompted to:

  • (1) Name the session to easily recognize your live session (optional)
  • (2) Choose the products to be captured some text
    • All products from inventory: Select this option when you want the system to capture comments for all products during the live session.
    • Specific product: Select this option when you want the system to capture comments for a specific product.
  • (3) Select the products to be displayed or monitored during the session
    • This step is optional when you choose to capture All Products in step 2.
  • (4) Select the Live Stream or Offline Post from which the system will capture comments
  • (5) After adding the products and selecting a specific Live Stream or Post:some text
    • Click “Save Draft” to save the settings if the Live will start later.
    • Click “Start Capturing” to begin capturing comments immediately or if the Live has already started

II. During Livestream - Live Session is Ongoing

After clicking “Start capturing” you will see the below screen where there is “Performance” table including these information: 

  • Comments: Total number of comments left during the live stream, including both keyword-based and regular comments.
  • Commenters: Unique Facebook accounts that left comments.
  • Items Sold: Total quantity of all products bid on, including paid, pending, and pending verification comments.
  • Amount: Subtotal sales amount (price × quantity), excluding discounts and delivery fees.

The Product table includes 

  1. Products you added when setup the session or you added during the livestream 
  2. Products that buyers commented to bid during the live.

You can these actions any time during the livestream

  • Pin the Product to see it displayed on Top of the table 
  • Send product information to the comment section by clicking the icon “>” arrow next to the product name.
  • Edit the Remaining stock, Price. 
  • Create new products
  • Search product on search bar to add to the table

On the right side, seller will find:

  • Capture Comment button: to start or stop capturing comments from the session
  • Lock Cart button: to enable or disable the option for customers to edit their carts.
  • Comment Details: includes all keyword comments from buyers, categorised by tags such as: all, cart created, out of stock, product deactivated, hit purchase limit, and non-keyword

III. After Livestream - Live Session is Ended

After the Live has ended, the seller can review the recent session by navigating to Live Selling > Recent Session.

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