Connect with

your customers

Foster strong buyer relationships by keeping them updated at every stage of the funnel.

Get Started
keep buyer updated at every stage

Engage at every stage


1. Acquire

Build a following and notify viewers when you go Live!

close order

2. Close sales

Confirm orders when buyers make successful payments


3. Support

Keep buyers in the loop with automated order status updates  

Broadcast bulk messages
Broadcast bulk messages
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Broadcast alerts to followers when you are going Live to boost viewership.

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Broadcast bulk expiry and payment reminders after Live to reduce cart abandonment.

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Notify buyers with delivery alerts when their order is being fulfilled and keep them updated at every shipping status.

Auto comment replies   
Auto comment replies   
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Boost organic engagement and the performance of the post by replying directly to comments when users perform a trigger action (e.g. add to cart).

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Get started quickly with pre-built use case templates to meet your specific goals (e.g. welcome new buyers, out-of-stock).

Auto comment replies   
Send customised messages in compliance with Meta’s policies
Send customised messages in compliance with Meta’s policies
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Customise and template your messages for consistent brand communications.

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We send variations of each message to prevent missing messages being flagged as spam.

Sign up for Free trial
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