
This feature will allow you to generate the following reports from the Upmesh Seller Dashboard:

  • Packing List Report: Concise summary for packing purposes
  • Fulfilment Report: Delivery details necessary for courier to pick up/drop off parcels including name, address, contact number and goods description 
  • Quantity Sold Report: View a summary of products sold, cost and pricing
  • Transaction Sale Report: Consolidate online and offline sale transactions

This report will be made available soon.

  • Top Spender Report: Customer Totals sorted by top spenders (Based on dataset) 

There are two ways for you to access this new feature:

1. From Seller Dashboard > Analytics > Sales Report

Go to “Analytics” tab and click on “Reports”


1. Go to Upmesh Seller Dashboard > Click “Analytics” tab > Click “Reports” > Select “Packing List Report” 

2. Select the filter at the filter box > Click “Ok” > Click “Generate Report” to proceed.

You can filter the report by:

  • Date Range (Start Date & End Date)
  • Post/Live Sessions (can select multiple posts or live sessions from Facebook/Instagram)

Filter Logic (Important)

  • Filter only by date range: will generate all paid orders (manual/catalogue/comment) at the selected date range.
  • Filter only by post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.
  • Filter by date range & post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.

3. After the report is successfully generated, click the “Got it, thanks!” button > click “Download” to save on your device.

4. Open the downloaded file in Excel.

Here’s the result of the Packing List Report:

This report will also have another sheet called “ Labels”. You can use it to print sticker labels for your package.

This will contain all the delivery labels for all orders in the report in the format below:

  • Recipient: {Customer Name}
  • Address: {Address 1 + Address 2 + Unit Number}
  • Postal: {Postal Code}
  • Contact: {Customer Phone Number}
  • Delivery Notes: {Delivery Note Upon Checkout}


1. Go to Upmesh Seller Dashboard > Click “Analytics” tab > Click “Reports” > Select “Fulfilment Report”.

2. Select the date filter at the filter box > Click “Ok” > Click “Generate Report” to proceed.

You can filter the report by:

  • Date Range (Start Date & End Date)
  • Post/Live Sessions (can select multiple posts or live sessions from Facebook/Instagram)

Filter Logic (Important)

  • Filter only by date range: will generate all paid orders (manual/catalogue/comment) at the selected date range.
  • Filter only by post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.
  • Filter by date range & post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.

3. After the report is successfully generated, click the “Got it, thanks!” button > click “Download” to save on your device.

4. Open the downloaded file in Excel.

Here’s the result of the Fulfilment Report and how the data shows inside the file:


1. Go to Upmesh Seller Dashboard > Click “Analytics” tab > Click “Reports” > Select “Quantity Sold Report”.

2. Select the date filter at the filter box > Click “Ok” > Click “Generate Report” to proceed.

You can filter the report by:

  • Date Range (Start Date & End Date)
  • Post/Live Sessions (can select multiple posts or live sessions from Facebook/Instagram)

Filter Logic (Important)

  • Filter only by date range: will generate all paid orders (manual/catalogue/comment) at the selected date range.
  • Filter only by post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.
  • Filter by date range & post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.

3. After the report is successfully generated, click the “Got it, thanks!” button > click “Download” to save on your device.

4. Open the downloaded file in Excel.

Here’s the result of the Quantity Sold Report and how the data shows inside the file:


1. Go to Upmesh Seller Dashboard > Click “Analytics” tab > Click “Reports” > Select “Transaction Sale Report”.

2. Select the date filter at the filter box > Click “Ok” > Click “Generate Report” to proceed.

You can filter the report by:

  • Date Range (Start Date & End Date)
  • Post/Live Sessions (can select multiple posts or live sessions from Facebook/Instagram)

Filter Logic (Important)

  • Filter only by date range: will generate all paid orders (manual/catalogue/comment) at the selected date range.
  • Filter only by post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.
  • Filter by date range & post / live session: will generate all paid orders from comments on selected posts.

3. After the report is successfully generated, click the “Got it, thanks!” button > click “Download” to save on your device.

4. Open the downloaded file in Excel.

Here’s the result of the Quantity Sold Report and how the data shows inside the file:

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