Negative Product Price

Create products with negative prices as a discount for your buyers. Engage viewers by setting product code with a negative price!

This feature can be used to enhance the engagement with viewers during live. For example:

  • First 10 viewers comment “FIVEOFF” can get a $5 off at checkout
  • At any time of the live session, engage buyers with comment “FIVEOFF” to get $5 off at checkout

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to create it:

Go to Products > click on “Create new” > fill in all the details

  • Selling Code: Suggest to set a code that is easy for buyers to differentiate it as a discount (e.g. “FIVEOFF”)
  • Product Price: Set a negative price for the amount of discount you want to give (e.g. $5 discount, Price = -$5)
  • Remaining Stock: Set a limit of the total quantity 
  • Purchase Limit: Set a limit to the quantity per buyer per cart

How will this selling code with a negative price appear in the buyer’s cart?

Once buyer comment [Code] + [Quantity]

  • If [Quantity] > purchase limit, buyer will receive message: “Maximum quantity of the product you can buy is __, please try again”
  • If [Quantity] <= purchase limit & remaining stock is not sufficient: Buyer will receive “out of stock” notification
  • If [Quantity] <= purchase limit & remaining stock is sufficient, The product with negative price will be added to buyer’s cart

Remarks :
  • If the cart’s delivery group value <$0, the buyer will not be able to select a delivery group to checkout some text
    • To resolve this issue, add the negative price product to the shipping group that you are selling items from 
  • If the cart total value <$0 (e.g. they only added the product code with negative price), the total will reflect as $0 and the buyer will not be able to checkout 
  • The negative product prices will reflect in your sales number (e.g. Sold items = $100, negative product price = $20, Sales = $80) 

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